I am…
“The favored husband of one beautiful wife and the fortunate father of five. Stephanie and I along with our kids Asher, Melina, Eden, Samuel, and Ariel live on a small farm in rural Tennessee. A love for the outdoors and a desire to raise a family in a simple, wholesome environment continues to draw me into a unique rhythm and pace of life.”
By day…
Presently – Vice President of Gabriel Communications, a production company owned with my father and two brothers. Additionally, I have begun pursuing a Dphil (PhD) in Religion and Society at Oxford Graduate School. Before that – Pastor at two churches over 15 years in the greater Nashville, TN area. During that time, I earned a BA in Religion (that’s Bachelor of Arts…not the other BA) followed by an Master’s Degree (MA) in Bible and Theology from Trevecca Nazarene University, funding these degrees working as a Licensed Massage Therapist.
By heart…
-A husband and a father. I have an expressed desire to “do family well.” Having a professional ministry background and heritage (my grandfather was a life-long pastor in the Assembly of God denomination), I recognize the very real tension between getting lost in what you do, and focusing on who you are in the midst of the most important relationships of life. The orienting phrase, “If I’m going to err, I want to err on the side of my family,” is one I learned from my father and have adopted for myself.
By design: A Transitionary…
Some people are visionaries, casting their vision of what can be. I am a transitionary…a made up word intended to capture a fresh reality…I foster change and transition, bringing crisp articulation regarding the components present during transitions- the people involved, the processes affected, the basic questions and values in play, all in view of desired outcomes. Whether guiding the natural transitions within our growing second generation business, chairing a global ministry Board of Directors, or assisting an individual struggling through the mundane of everyday, the process of transition moves me to action. Oh, and I like to make up words.
Moved by movement…
Several years ago I was asked the question; “What moves you?” I pondered for months. Slowly the fog lifted and I began to realize that what moves me is when others are moved. I am moved by life change, adjustments, new adventures, crisis, etc. The plays, movies, and songs I respond to most deeply involve some presentation of deep, internal movement in the main characters. In the spiritual sense, the words that capture this type of movement in the day to day are repentance, reconciliation, redemption, and resurrection. From the pages of ancient scriptures, to the monotony of a bumper-to-bumper commute, I look for the movements. I look for them because they move me. And movement reminds me that I am alive in the moment.